That's what they said about LSD, peyote, and marijuana in the sixties. Later they said cocaine wasn't dangerous. I'm a recovering alcoholic/addict. I work in a 28 day rehab facility. I think you're doing drugs.
If you paint with a big wide brush and everything is just black and white then yes I'm doing drugs. Yes they said good things about lsd, thc, mescaline in the 60's that was my generation, and they are still saying good things about them only with more scientific data to back it up. The psychologist were using it in the 60s to cure addictions, and mind exploration, and mind expander but were latter banned from doing anymore research by the US government back in 1964 and they outlawed them at that time too, and not for any good reason but mainly because it caused people to question governmental authority. It didn't fit in with government's goals of a massively indoctrinated obedient general population(public mandatory free education/indoctrination with daily pledges of allegiance ) who obey without questioning governmental authority. We Americans were burning our draft cards over the refusing to become part of the US military machine, and not behaving like mindless drones no doubt because a lot of us were taking these substances and this worried the government.
Thankfully the governments around the world are allowing these compounds to be explored once again after a 40 year ban because the benefits can no longer be denied by government bureaucracy.
When psychology professor from Harvard Timothy Leary said for people to "tune in, turn on, and drop out", the US government labeled him as a very dangerous man and latter had him in prison for possession of one half of a marijuana cigarette while crossing the border of mexico and us. No doubt his statement lead to these substances coming under ban. It scared the shit out of government.